Motivation November Belly Dance Fitness Classes in Boca Raton

The Holidays are upon us, which means not only more parties and fun but also stress, travel and holiday weight gain. The average American gains up to 30 lb between October and February in fact. Don't be a statistic! Stop the bulge while learning a new dance that will also boost your self confidence, coordination, memory and more. Belly Dance will not only help keep the holiday weight off but it is also a great stress reducer, which we all need when the relatives have over stayed their welcome. Try out belly dance classes in Boca Raton, mention this blog and your first class is FREE. 

Bellydance Technique Saturdays 11:45-12:45 at Loibel Dance Studio 183 Camino Real Boca Raton Florida

Bellydance Props Mondays 7-8 at Boca Glades pre registration required